Alerts - Defect Retest - Global Alert :
Alerts severity - Success :
Test 124
Test upcoming outage alert :
Our interactive Outage Map helps you quickly determine if your service address is affected by an outage, including when an outage is scheduled to start or estimated to end.You can also sign up to receive alerts, get tips that help you and your family stay safe during an outage, and quickly connect to important resources and support programs should you require additional assistance during an outage emergency.
ST Broken Link 005 :
Test Broken Links - 2 in website 5Test Broken Links - 2 in website - 119Test Broken Links - 2 in website - 120

Standard Contracts

SCE's Energy Procurement Management (EPM) Department negotiates enabling agreements with trading partners active in the energy markets. The following are SCE's pro forma enabling agreements used to enable counterparties for power and physical natural gas transactions. For financial products, please contact EPM to obtain SCE’s pro forma-enabling agreements.

Power Transactions

EEI Enablement Documents (Power)

Natural Gas Transactions

EEI Enablement Documents (Natural Gas)

North American Standards Enablement Board (NAESB) Enablement Documents

Credit Support Documents

Form of Guaranty


Please note that any deviations or changes to SCE’s pro forma will inevitably prolong or delay the enabling agreement process. If counterparties are seeking enablement to participate in one of SCE’s solicitations, it is recommended to plan accordingly to ensure timely enablement.

For any questions regarding enablement with SCE, including but not limited to the documents referenced on this webpage, please contact us.

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