Alerts - Defect Retest - Global Alert :
Alerts severity - Success :
Test 124
Test upcoming outage alert :
Our interactive Outage Map helps you quickly determine if your service address is affected by an outage, including when an outage is scheduled to start or estimated to end.You can also sign up to receive alerts, get tips that help you and your family stay safe during an outage, and quickly connect to important resources and support programs should you require additional assistance during an outage emergency.
ST Broken Link 005 :
Test Broken Links - 2 in website 5Test Broken Links - 2 in website - 119Test Broken Links - 2 in website - 120

SCE Tariff Books

SCE Tariff Books

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Please note: Tariffs without effective dates in the lower right-hand corner of the tariff are considered effective pending final review by the California Public Utilities Commission. Slight modifications may occur upon completion of this final review. Differences between these tariff rates and rates appearing on customer bills may result from timing lags between the posting of rates and rate components in the Tariff Book and the implementation of these rates in the SCE billing system. In addition, even though the posted total billing rates may not have changed, certain rate components that make up the total billing rates may have changed and may be different than the corresponding rate components that appear on subsequent bills. Any discrepancies between tariff rates and billed rates will be adjusted in future bills.

The purpose of SCE's Tariff Books are to document approved tariff changes. Please direct any questions to one of the following SCE help lines:

Tariffs may not be waived, altered, or amended in any respect, unless authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission. Moreover, if there are differences between this material and the tariffs, the tariffs shall prevail.

The viewing of some tariffs may not be compatible with Internet Explorer. If you encounter problems, please consider utilizing another internet browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple's Safari).