Alerts - Defect Retest - Global Alert :
Alerts severity - Success :
Test 124
Test upcoming outage alert :
Our interactive Outage Map helps you quickly determine if your service address is affected by an outage, including when an outage is scheduled to start or estimated to end.You can also sign up to receive alerts, get tips that help you and your family stay safe during an outage, and quickly connect to important resources and support programs should you require additional assistance during an outage emergency.
ST Broken Link 005 :
Test Broken Links - 2 in website 5Test Broken Links - 2 in website - 119Test Broken Links - 2 in website - 120

Kaweah Project Relicensing Hydro Relicensing

Kaweah Damn Catwalk

Kaweah Project Relicensing Hydro Relicensing

Key Project Activities and Upcoming Events

On December 23, 2019, in accordance with 18 CFR §5.18, Southern California Edison Company (SCE) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) an Application for a New License (License Application) for the Kaweah Project (Project), FERC Project No. 298. 

The License Application comprises six volumes: public, critical energy infrastructure information (CEII), confidential, and privileged information. Public portions of the License Application (Volumes 1 and 3) are available for review/download using the links below. In addition, public portions of the License Application can be accessed at the following locations: 

  • FERC’s eLibrary at
  • Three Rivers Branch Library, 42052 Eggers Drive, Three Rivers, CA 93271
  • By appointment at SCE’s Kaweah Hydro Headquarters Office – Carpenter’s Shop, 44511 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA 93271

To schedule an appointment, please contact:

Meg Richardson, Licensing Manager/Project Lead 


 Licensing Documents

Expose as Block

Expose as Block

Expose as Block


Contact Us

NameCompanyProject RoleAddressEmailPhone
Wayne AllenSCEPrincipal Manager1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770wayne.allen@sce.com626-302-9741
Martin OstendorfSCESenior ManagerPO Box 100 54170 Mtn Spruce Road, P.O. Box 100 Big Creek, CA 93605martin.ostendorf@sce.com559-893-2033
Meg RichardsonSCELicensing Manager/Project Lead1515 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770mary.m.richardson@sce.com626-238-2902
Becky KippFERCAssigned Staff Rebecca.Kipp@ferc.gov202-502-8846
Dan KeverlineSCEOperations and MaintenanceKaweah Hydro Headquarters Kaweah 1 Powerhouse Three Rivers, CA 93271keverlds@sce.com760-376-3813