What is the Base Interruptible Program (BIP)?

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What is the Base Interruptible Program (BIP)?

During periods of high energy demand, customers who agree to temporarily reducing their energy usage during TOU-BIP events have the potential to earn monthly bill credits, while also offering much needed relief to the electric grid.

How does BIP work?

You choose how much energy you need to stay up and running and we’ll provide advance notice of an impending power interruption, according to your preference. When a BIP event is initiated, we notify your designated contacts via email, phone, and/or text (SMS) that a period of interruption has begun. Events are limited to 1 per day, 10 per calendar month, and up to 6 hours each for a maximum of 180 hours per calendar year. Depending on your level of energy reduction, you’ll receive bill credits as compensation.

Is my business eligible for TOU-BIP?

To be eligible for TOU-BIP, your company must meet the following requirements:

  • Current SCE customer with monthly demands of 200 kW or greater
  • On a Time-of-Use or Real-Time Pricing rate schedule
  • Ability to reduce at least 15% of your maximum electrical demand (a minimum of 100 kW) during each interruption event
  • Have an interval meter for billing and monitoring purposes3

Check Eligibility >

When can an interruption occur?

TOU-BIP events are scheduled on a day-of basis— with either a 15- or 30- minute advanced notice— and may occur at any time (seven days a week, 365 days a year), but are limited to:

  • One event per day (up to six hours)
  • 10 events per calendar month
  • 180 hours per calendar year

How are bill credits calculated?

You receive monthly bill credits based on the difference between your average peak period kilowatt (kW) demand for each month and your FSL. Credits vary depending on the season, time of day (on-peak or mid-peak), voltage level and other factors, and credits apply whether or not TOU-BIP events are called in a given month.

Can I participate in other programs?

As a participant in TOU-BIP, dual enrollment in ELRP is permitted and provides a second opportunity for you to receive additional savings by reducing your energy usage during non-TOU-BIP events. No special equipment is needed to participate and there are no penalties if you a not able to reduce your energy usage during an event. To learn more, click here.