Why has my bill increased?

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If your bill seems higher than normal, you may want to check your energy usage. Understanding your bill and finding ways to save for your home or your business may help lower your bill.

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Usage tends to go up for most customers during the summer months when the A/C and cooling appliances (e.g. whole house fans, evaporative coolers) are running.

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If you haven’t received a bill for a few months, one reason your bill may be higher than usual is that charges from past billing periods are included, in addition to charges from your current billing period. 

Why haven't I received a bill?

Note: In accordance with Southern California Edison’s Rule 17. D, if for any reason the duration of the delayed billing period exceeds three months for residential and eligible small business customers, the customer will only be responsible for SCE charges that are incurred within the most recent three months from the date the bill was generated. All other customers are responsible for SCE charges that have been incurred within the most recent three years. Please see Rule 17. D for more details.