SCE upon request can provide certain customer specific data, including usage to CCAs who are conducting a feasibility study. To request this information, a CCA must complete the required SCE forms listed below.
Required Forms & Agreements
Provide CCA Declaration & CCA Non-Disclosure Agreement to SCE
The CPUC requires that relevant information be provided by SCE to permit Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) and potential cities, counties, or Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) to investigate, pursue, and implement CCA Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) Service.
Confidential customer information may be provided to the CCA subject to a Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement (Form 14-769) and a Community Choice Aggregation Declaration (Form 14-770) attesting that the entity is investigating or pursuing status as a CCA.
In this step, the CCA must provide SCE with the necessary documents referenced above.
This section contains the information and documentation required for CCAs to request either aggregated or confidential usage data in support of establishing a CCA in SCE’s service territory.
Please refer to Schedule CCA-INFO for information on fees for data requests.
Aggregated Usage Data
Aggregated usage data is generally released to the requesting City, County, JPA, or government agency up to two times per calendar year at no charge. For any CCA information request that exceeds the two times per calendar year limit, a processing fee of $40.00 will be charged for each additional report.
Confidential Usage Data
Cities, Counties, JPAs, and an eligible entity under California Public Utilities Code (“PU Code”) Section 331.1 who is actively investigating delivery of electric service to customers located within the geographic territory of the CCA, can request confidential customer usage data such as monthly information regarding usage (kWh), peak demand (kW) where available, rate class average load profiles, rate class average coincident peak factors, and the number of customers within the requesting entity’s service area. SCE will provide this data for a fee. The reports provided under this section will not include customers who are not eligible to be included in CCA automatic enrollment.
The CCA (or the eligible entity under PU Code Section 331.1), prior to filing its Implementation Plan with the CPUC, can only obtain the customer specific usage data on non-residential customers. The CCA will have access to the residential customer specific usage data once the CCA has registered with, and has an Implementation Plan on file with, the CPUC.
For applicable fees associated with the data request, please review the bottom links to determine if processing fees apply.
All report titles and associated service fees can be found in SCE Schedule CCA-INFO:
Community Choice Aggregation-Information Fees (PDF)
Additional SCE Tariff schedule Service Fees:
SCE Tariff Schedule CCA-SF, Community Choice Aggregation – Service Fees
SCE Tariff Schedule CC-DSF, Customer Choice Discretionary Service Fees
SCE CCA-CRS, Community Choice Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge
Senate Bill (SB) 790
Submittal of Completed Forms
In order for SCE to process a data request, the following documentation must be submitted by the CCA:
- CCA Declaration
- Non-Disclosure Agreement
- One Non-Disclosure Agreement Exhibit A for each individual being granted access to the resulting data file(s)/report(s)
- A check for payment of requested reports as applicable
Upon approval of the required forms and data request, SCE will work with the requestor to complete the data request.
All requests for confidential usage data must be sent to the following address accompanied by the documents listed above.
Email: CCASVCS@sce.com
or by Mail:
Southern California Edison
Customer Choice Services
Attention: CCA Services
6060 N. Irwindale Avenue, Suite J
Irwindale, CA 91702