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Our interactive Outage Map helps you quickly determine if your service address is affected by an outage, including when an outage is scheduled to start or estimated to end.You can also sign up to receive alerts, get tips that help you and your family stay safe during an outage, and quickly connect to important resources and support programs should you require additional assistance during an outage emergency.
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Capacity Bidding Program and CBP Aggregators

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Capacity Bidding Program (CBP) & CBP Aggregators

Sign up through an Aggregator who has a Capacity Bidding Program Agreement with SCE.

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How It Works

Through this internet-based program, your business can earn payments for agreeing to reduce your energy use during Capacity Bidding Program (CPB) events, which helps ease the stress on the electrical grid when resources become constrained.

Your business can participate by making monthly nominations (also known as “bids”), to reduce your energy load and be compensated with payments based on your actual energy reduction when a Capacity Bidding Program event is called. This program is designed to offer you the flexibility to adjust your bid and your participation preferences every month. You may select to be notified the day before an event. You’ll never be required to reduce your load by more than 30 hours in any month.

Read more about the Capacity Bidding Program on our CBP Fact Sheet.

Still, have questions about CBP? Find answers on our CBP FAQ Sheet.

Ready to apply?

Select a CBP Aggregator below or learn how to become an aggregator for your service accounts. For more information, contact your SCE Account Manager or call the Demand Response Help Desk at 1-866-334-7827. For complete terms and conditions for the Capacity Bidding Program, see our Tariff sheet.

Becoming an Aggregator

To become a CBP Aggregator, print, complete, and submit the Aggregator Agreement and Credit Application. Once we receive your application, our credit services department will review your credit history and determine whether or not you meet the credit requirements or must provide a deposit. If you are required to submit a deposit, you can provide us with your expected maximum capacity nomination and we will inform you of the appropriate deposit amount required to participate. The deposit amount may increase, depending on your expected maximum capacity nomination; however, an initial deposit amount of $5,000 is required to be listed on our website.

If your application has been approved and we have received your deposit (if required), you will be notified and will receive your website login and password information. Additionally, your name will appear on our website's list of Aggregators on this page. If you wish, you can request that your name not be listed on our website.

Once you are an official aggregator, you must complete an Aggregator Add Form for each customer you add to your portfolio. The Aggregator Add Form also acknowledges the customer’s intent to release their information to you (the aggregator). After the required forms are submitted, we will complete the enrollment process and notify when you may begin placing nominations with the Capacity Bidding Program. The Aggregator Remove Form is required when you want to remove a customer from your portfolio.