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Medical Baseline Allowance

Medical Baseline Allowance

Get Help If You Use Medical Equipment

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If you or someone in your household requires the regular use of electrically powered medical equipment or other qualifying medical devices, you may be eligible for our Medical Baseline Allowance program. This program provides an additional 16.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per day. Provided at the lowest baseline rate, this helps offset the cost of operating the medical equipment.

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Find Out If You Qualify

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You may be eligible for the Medical Baseline Allowance if you or another full-time resident in your home:

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MBL girl with asthma mask
  • Requires the regular use of any electrically powered medical/life support equipment (see partial list below) that mechanically or artificially sustains life or restores or replaces a vital physical function, including mobility, and/or 
  • Are temperature sensitive and require air conditioning, and/or 
  • Has a life-threatening illness or compromised immune system or other condition that requires heating and/or cooling.


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At SCE, we understand that medical equipment is constantly evolving and advancing. Therefore, we encourage customers to contact us directly if they have any questions about their qualifying medical device or other related products or services. Our team of experienced professionals is always available to answer any inquiries. 

Important: Devices used for therapy, but not medically required for sustaining life do not qualify.

  • Aerosol Tent
  • Air Mattress/Hospital Bed
  • Apnea Monitor
  • Breather Machine (IPPB)
  • Compressor / Concentrator
  • Dialysis Machine
  • Electronic Nerve Stimulator
  • Electrostatic Nebulizer
  • Hemodialysis Machine
  • Infusion Pump
  • Inhalation Pulmonary Pressure
  • Iron Lung
  • Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)
  • Motorized Wheelchair/Scooter
  • Oxygen Generator
  • Pressure Pad
  • Pressure Pump
  • Pulse Oximeter/Monitor
  • Respirator (all types)
  • Suction Machine
  • Total Artificial Heart (TAH-t)
  • The Vest/Airway Clearance System
  • Ultrasonic Nebulizer
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Download and print brochure: English, and English (Large Font)

Also available in other languages:

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Submit an Application

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Enroll Online

For customers who enroll online, please have the e-mail address of your Medical Professional ready. When you submit your application, they will receive an email requesting their signature. Please alert them that they will be receiving an email from SCE.

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Mail In Completed Application

For Customers who are unable to enroll online, please download the application below, print, complete pages 1 and 2, and mail the application to SCE.

Please note: that a Medical Professional will need to provide a signature on Page 2.

Mail the completed application to:
Southern California Edison Company
Medical Baseline Department
P.O. Box 9527
Azusa, CA 91702-9954

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Recertify Every 2 to 4 Years

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If a medical professional certifies the condition is permanent, the customer must complete Part 1 of the application every four years to renew. 

If a medical professional certifies the condition is non-permanent, the customer must complete Part 1 every two years.


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Please have the e-mail address of your Medical Professional ready. When you apply, they will receive an e-mail requesting their signature. Please alert them that they will be receiving an email from SCE and that they submit their signature electronically via the link provided.

  • Permanent - (MBL Self Renewal Form) - Doctor signature not required
  • Non-Permanent - (MBL Doctor Renewal Form) - Doctor signature required
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For customers who are unable to re-certify online, please download the application below, print, and complete the appropriate parts depending on whether the condition has been designated as permanent or not permanent. Mail the completed form(s) to the SCE P.O. Box provided below.

Download and print application: 

Permanent Non-permanent

Mail the completed application to SCE:

Southern California Edison Company
Medical Baseline Department
P.O. Box 9527
Azusa, CA 91702-9954

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For Permanent MBL Customers, complete your recertification via the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system at 1-866-229-9360. A doctor’s recertification is not required for you to continue to receive the Medical Baseline allocation.

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Need Additional Help?

Please call 1-800-655-4555 if you have any questions about the Medical Baseline or if the standard allowance does not meet your medical needs. 


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Emergencies and Rotating Power Outages

Be Prepared, Be Safe

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All customers who depend upon electrically operated medical or life-support equipment for survival should always be prepared with a backup power system or other plans necessary to ensure their health and welfare during outages. SCE does not provide backup generation. 

Learn more about the resources and support for customers with access and functional needs at

If the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) declares a rare Stage 3 Emergency and enacts rotating outages, we will automatically contact Medical Baseline customers with a pre-recorded telephone message. We may only receive a 10-minute warning, so customers may not hear about the outage before it occurs.

If a Public Safety Power Outage (PSPS) is called, we will attempt to reach our Medical Baseline customers through their alternate preferred method of contact (Email, Text, SMS, TTY). If your physician has indicated that your medical equipment is for life-sustaining purposes, and we do not reach you directly through your preferred method of contact, we will send a technician to your door to make in-person contact to deliver the message regarding the PSPS event.

Learn more about how you can be prepared for emergencies and power outages by creating an emergency backup plan by visiting Outage Preparation Tips

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