Test Alert 3 - demo (present) : :
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Test Alert 2 - demo (present) :
Alerts severity - Success :
Test 124
ST Broken Link 005 :
Test Broken Links - 2 in sce.com website 5Test Broken Links - 2 in sce.com website - 119Test Broken Links - 2 in sce.com website - 120

2024 RPS Energy Sales Request for Offers (BioRAM RFO)

2024 BioRAM RPS Energy Sale RFO

In this 2024 BioRAM RPS Energy Sales Request for Offers (“2024 BioRAM RFO”), Southern California Edison Company (“SCE”) is soliciting (“Offer(s)”) from interested offerors to purchase bundled Portfolio Content Category 1 (PCC1) Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) generated from two biomass resources, pursuant to CPUC Decision D.18-12-003.

RFO Schedule

July 29, 2024Solicitation launch
August 9, 2024
(by 4:00 p.m. PPT)
Offers due
August 20, 2024Buyers notified of selection status
September 6, 2024Contracts executed

* SCE reserves the right in its sole discretion to add, remove, or modify any event, event date, or submittal requirement. Participants are encouraged to monitor the PowerAdvocate website for updates and possible amendments to the RFO, the RFO Instructions, other solicitation materials, or the solicitation process.

2024 BioRAM RFO Website

SCE will be using PowerAdvocate® for the RFO website. Further information on the 2024 BioRAM RFO is available on PowerAdvocate®. Offerors intending to submit Offers, but who do not yet have an existing PowerAdvocate® account, must first register to create a username/password with PowerAdvocate® to receive access to event 222245.  Users with an existing PowerAdvocate® account may request access by clicking this link:  https://www.poweradvocate.com/pR.do?okey=222245&pubEvent=true

SCE strongly encourages Offerors who do not have an existing account to establish one well before the Offer Due Date, as it may take some time.  For additional information on registering on PowerAdvocate®, please see the Supplier's Guide.

Independent Evaluator (IE)

Accion Group will provide independent oversight throughout the solicitation process.  All direct communication with SCE must copy the IE at svincentcrisp@acciongroup.com.

SCE Contacts

If you are unable to access the PowerAdvocate® event to send a message (the preferred communication channel), or have questions about this RFO prior to registering at the above PowerAdvocate® link, please contact RPSRFO@sce.com.